Saturday, November 14, 2009

New hamsters-by Stephanie

Since Tobius died we were all sad. :-c My mother said if we want more hamsters (which we want)we have to buy it by our self. Wich we of crse agree.She (mening our mother) said she would bring us out to buy on Sarturday(which is today)

So today we went to Carrfour and brouht three hamsters. One for my brother(the bigger one). One for me. And one for my sister.My brother name his Arwen. she the the most bigger hamster. Lucky(Tobius son) like Arwen. My sister one is call Jocy.Jocy was name after my sister name (Josephine just cut out the sephine and add in the cy).And mine was call Casterfur.Mine was the only boy.

The next day,(it took me two days to write this just to tell you)we went down to see the hamsters,but went we saw them Jocy was dead and Casterfur was dying we was sad.we went to church and after church we went home got the hamsters(only one hamster din't come that was Arwen).

We went to Carrfour to trad the hamsters .Because if you buy a hamster and it die in one day.How will you fell? So we traid two and brouth one for Jeremy.Mine was call Bonnei.My sister was call Jocy(mine is not a boy) and Jeremy one was call Magic.

1 comment:

  1. Where do you get all the names from? They all sound very magical except for Jeremy's which is straight forward 'Magic'
