Friday, November 6, 2009

Children's Day by Damian

Started the day late. Woke up late, had breakfast late. Everything late. Got scolded by a horrible teacher , Encik S. All of us don't like him. He's mean, unfriendly, uncaring racist man.

The Children's Day celebration was held in the school hall because it rained. The hall is small, and all Standards 1 - 6 (almost 400 students) and the teachers were cramped inside like sardines! It was hot and stuffy.

The Majlis (celebration) started with prayers and speeches (boring la) and I was sitting next to the speakers. Nearly went deaf!! In addition to that Jeremy was throwing a tantrum. He refused to sit with his class, so he sat next to me. It was really embarassing (in front of my friends)

We had a performance by dancing students, a choir who sang a Japanese song and a fashion show contest. Stephanie and Josephine was in the fashion contest. All contestants have to wear traditional costumes.

I gave my friend Kah Weng a birthday present. He opened it while all the shows were going on. He likes it very much - "Goosebumps". So - one good thing - at least Kah Weng wasn't bored!

For Children's Day, each child was given a packet of Nasi Goreng and a glass of Sarsi. Jeremy couldn't eat the nasi because it was spicy. I asked my friend for some of his food that he brought from home which I gave to Jeremy.

The prize giving ceremony was the most fun! Why? Because I won 5 awards!

1st place for Science Week (I did a scrapbook on The Solar System),

2nd place for Science Group Presentation (also on the Solar System),

2nd for NILAM (the number of books read and recorded in a special book, and then submitted to teacher. I like to read, but not recording it... so I guess... it serves me right for not recording! ;-P)

2nd for a drawing for Moral Week (actually the drawing was very ugly, so I was real surprised to win at all)

3rd for Maths Suduku Competition.

Stephanie won 1st place for Year 4 Traditional Costume Fashion Show, and Consolation Prize for Maths Quiz.

Poor Josephine didn't win, and she was sad. I was sad for her too.

This is going to be my last Children's Day celebration in this school. Thank God I enjoyed it!


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